Monday, October 09, 2006

The Moon: the only natural satellite of the Earth

Purely experimental... yet beautifully successful!! I was always mesmerized by the full moon and always wanted a pic of this, after various attempts of 2 second and 3 second exposures, I tried the reverse of it, and this is the best of the lot. [this is one day after the full moon]

This pic is taken at 1/100th of a second, and I can't just stop admiring it!!

Moon is highly influential on the moods of a person, 60-65% of the human body is composed of water, and we all know how the sun and the moon play with the tides in the sea. There is an interesting theory behind evolution. Most of the ladies get their menstruation cycle close to the full moon, which is also the optimum time for the men to hunt, and also the dark nights are the most dangerous ones [in which men ideally do not venture out], which helps in proper ovulation and copulation, hencing leading to proper evolution, interesting isn't it!!

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